Elder Hirst week 94

1:45 PM

Monday- p day was good, we rented some bikes here as all the missionaries in Alicante and went down to San Juan, a pueblo of Alicante which is cool.  It was way fun.  That evening we had a family home evening with frank Lourdes and Erica.  

Tuesday- we had district meeting in the morning and it was really good. Then that evening we had exchanges with the elders in Elche, elder Hildebrandt and elder Cox both from American fork.  I was with elder Hildebrandt, who I've been with so much in my mission. We were in the same MTC district, we were in the same zone our first few transfers, and we were in another zone together, so it was awesome. I love Elder Hildebrandt.  We had a great exchange and talked to a lot of people. One guy even invited us to go to a bar to talk about stuff and he bought us some juice (he didn't by juice...) and well he really doesn't want anything but it was interesting.  Then we went to family home evening for the ward and Martin came and it was way fun.

Wednesday- that morning we were able to talk to a few people and it was good.  That evening we taught a new investigator my comp had contacted in his exchange. His name is God's Time, and he is from Nigeria. He is a great guy with a desire to know the truth.  That night we had choir practice.

Thursday- that morning we actually went over with Martin and made some lunch with him.  He actually has to go to Santander ( a city in northern Spain) with his aunt, Sabina, so he can pick up some papers. His aunt is officially moving there, so we have to make sure the elders get in contact with her there. But they are so awesome.  We had to change martin's baptismal date to the 24th just because he will be gone for a few days in Santander and we want to make sure he is ready.  That evening we were able to teach Angel.  We actually had to go and do some service and he was willing to come help us and it was really awesome.  Instead of teaching service, we did a interactive lesson hahaha.  

Friday- we went that morning to teach Martin again and the lesson was incredible, Martin had read so much in the Book of Mormon the night before and said that on his trip he plans on reading more.  He understands it super well.  That afternoon was awesome.  Daniel and Nancy, investigators i had for a long time while I was in Ciudad Real, actually moved to Benidorm. They seriously have been some of the people I've loved the most in the mission and so I got permission from my mission president to see them, so they came down and we ate lunch together. It was so good to see them, we had such a fun meeting.  I truly was overjoyed to see them.  That evening we taught some members we are working with, Omar and Gabby.  They haven't come to church for a while but they recently had a baby and they came the previous week to church to bless their baby.  They are such nice people and are really excited for the church after their baby blessing.  They also want to do a family home evening next week so that'll be fun. That night we were able to teach frank Lourdes and Erica and it was great 

Saturday- another incredible day. We had a stake/zone mission activity.  All the young men and women in the stake came down, and all the missionaries in the zone came down and basically it was a mini mission day.  Each companionship in our zone was assigned some young people to go out with us and visit people here in Alicante.  When we arrived and there were no more boys so my companion and I were assigned three 13 year old girls (one of them was Erica, so that was cool) and we taught a lesson to a less active family in our area.  It went super well and the beehives did great!!! Too much energy for us though!!! The activity went way well and the stake presidency was very happy so it was good.  That night we taught Blanca the recent convert and she is doing well, still continues with many health problems.  Then we taught our investigator God's Time and he had read the part in the Book of Mormon we had assigned him so he's doing great!!! That night we found out transfers and these transfers blew our mind.  Elder Pincock (who just got here) is leaving to go be the zone leader of the Cartagena zone and my new companion will be elder Kärn from Sweden!! He was my district leader back in Sevilla and he's awesome.  And I'll have a Swedish comp which is sweet. 

Sunday- church was great, not anything too exciting happened but it was good.  People were very surprised to hear elder Pincock is leaving and he's obviously pretty bummed.  But we had some great times and worked really hard this last 6 weeks so we are satisfied 

Well I've officially got 1 transfer left. I'm excited for my new comp and excited to give it all i got for my last 6 weeks of the mission!!! I have loved the mission so much, it has been the greatest 

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