Week 11: Cadiz Casco Antiguo, San Fernando District
8:58 AM
Monday- So it rained like crazy today so we were stuck in doors. Our district came and hung out with us at our ward. We have an awesome Fooseball table in our ward in the basement, so I played that with everyone and beat just about everyone, almost complete blow outs every time. Yea, I'm a little prideful about my fooseball skills, that's something I need to improve on. Not being so prideful in Fooseball. Haha just kidding, I probably never will. There's only one person I know right now that can beat me, one of my best friends Elder Durfee in San Antonio. But luckily I'm keeping up practice and i don't think he is so I'll be able to destroy him when we return. Hopefully you're reading this Elder Durfee... I also got my first Spanish hair cut. There's basically one option you can get as a Spaniard male, and that is really short on the sides, and long on the top. That's not even what I asked for, that's just what they do no matter what. But I really like it, although it's a little bit chilly to have now that it's cooling down. After P Day, we met with some less actives and talked about plan of salvation and that went pretty well.
Tuesday- Our morning wasn't super busy, just some less active visiting and attempts at contacting. But we had a great night. First was going to the house of one of our new investigators. She's very old and I'm not sure if she's all there. She started getting very upset at the fact that the world doesn't give Spain its credit for finding the Americas... I'm not sure if we will continue with her or not. Then we had an amazing lesson with our Investigator Antonio who has a baptismal date. We did it over at Juan and Jessi's house both who are return missionaries so the lesson was absolutely amazing. Antonio really likes the Book of Mormon a lot. I think he's worried a little about his Catholic family and what they'll think but It doesn't seem to bother him much.
Wednesday- We started out the morning with a less active member, and then we did some door knocking In this way way nice building and had a lot of people say they were busy but we could come back later so we will do that. Then we had lunch with a way way nice family in the ward, the Martinez family. Then that night we did some more contacting, and then we had dinner at the Ferrezuelos house. Just to clarify any confusion, a lot of the ferrezuelo family is in our ward. Juani is the mother of them all, then Antonio the first counselor is one son and Juan a ward missionary is another son and them and their families are the best people ever. So Tuesday was dinner and a lesson at Juan's house, Wednesday was dinner and a lesson at Antonio's house, Thursday is always lunch at Juani's house. So as you can see, we spend a lot of time at the Ferrezuelos. They have another son Enrique who is way cool, he loves traveling around the world and backpacking through countries and we see him occasionally, and then they have another daughter who actually lives in salt lake!
Thursday- Today was a pretty good day. So we get warm water through this big old canister of gas called Botano that is hooked up to basically everything in our house, and we ran out about Sunday, so we've had no hot water for a few days, so it's been "man showers" for me and they've been rough. We would order some every day and the company would say "Oh it'll be there before 11:30" but sometimes the work ethic here isn't absolutely amazing so it hasn't ever come then. But since we had weekly planning we finally were here when it arrived which was about 1:30 which is definitely not before 11:30 but that's okay! So I'm very grateful to finally have hot water again. So this afternoon we ate at Juani's and it was very good, but my stomach nearly burst as usual. Then we had a lesson with some less actives who were very nice. Then we taught another less active who is going to be receiving a calling pretty soon, which is awesome!! but she had some guy there from Puerto Real working on her house and he actually listened to our lesson. He's not very interested though, he said he's more of just a believer of the things of the "Mundo." Which is sad because the things of the mundo aren't good things. Then the rest of the day was trying to visit people who said to come back later the past couple weeks, but nobody answered.
Friday- So we had an awesome zone meeting in the morning. I was recommended by my district leader to sing in a quartet of four elders because I guess people think I have a good bass singing voice, so I got to sing bass for a musical number of "Brillan Rayos de Clemencia" (Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy) and it was a very good arrangement. That was very fun and it was my first ever singing performance in my life. Then at the end of the zone meeting, we sang, as always, our mission Anthem "O Vos Los Llamados" and my district leader played piano, my zone leader played guitar, and I played my 36 Euro clarinet thing that I bought and we sounded way good, I can't even lie. It was way fun. So I had lots of musical numbers this zone meeting, I loved it. Then we met with David, our "Rescued" member which means they were inactive and we were a part of their reactivation process. He's doing so well, and he's our ward assistant clerk and works super hard. His wife and daughter aren't members and don't really want to learn, so we're trying to help him with that. He seems to be doing super awesome though. As they say here a lot in Spain "Poco a Poco." Then we had an appointment with a less active and his non member girlfriend, but they cancelled which was disappointing. Then we had another appointment with Antonio with a Baptism Date, but he had choir practice that went a little late so we couldn't meet with him because it ended up being too late when he got out of practice.
Saturday- Today we found out all about the transfers coming up. My district is being split in half so it's me and elder Stephens, the Hermanas in Cadiz, and the Hermanas in San Fernando so we're the only elders in our District! So elder Stephens is our district leader. Then we got new APs now i think but I'm not sure and a new zone leader. Then Hermana Nelson from Cadiz is going to be a sister training leader In seville so she's leaving. So then we played futbol this morning and it was very fun. Then we taught a lesson to another less active member and he was a little difficult to deal with but that's okay. Then as we were walking and trying to contact we came across our friend from english classes Luis and his friend Ricardo. They asked us to sit down and talk and even bought us some cokes. We sat and talked with them for a while about church and religion and stuff and they also told us a lot about their lives in the Spanish Military here. Unfortunately, they aren't interested in the the LDS church though. But we talked about a lot of things and it was very interesting. I told them that they are my new Spaniard Grandpas because they are really really nice even though they don't want anything. Both of them invited us to come by their houses sometime and they'd feed us so that was cool. Then we met Antonio and brought him to a Young Single Adult activity that was going on tonight and then we had to go because of time, but I bet he's really enjoying it.
Sunday- This morning was Ward conference so I got to meet all the stake presidency. We have an awesome stake president and everyone gave great talks. We had two investigators at church which was great and Antonio was one of them. He really likes everything it has been way easy so far. Too easy... Hopefully he'll be just as receptive to everything as we continue teaching. Then we had meetings with the ward mission leader and that was good. And not much really happened the rest of the day.
This week was great and it's hard to believe I'm already done with one transfer. It's been a very good and challenging one, being trained and opening a new area but it has definitely been fun. I absolutely love being on the mission and I wouldn't choose anything else. There's no better way to learn about life than being thrown in a new country, put with some other random person and told "go preach the good word, and we'll give you the tools to do it." It's absolutely amazing.
Thanks for updating this weekly Alex!