Elder Hirst week 79
10:07 AM
Monday- p day was way fun, we
went bowling as all the missionaries here in Alicante and it was way fun. A
member also taught us how to cook a famous Alicantino desert which is basically
thick french toast with cinnamon. That evening we had a family home
evening with some members and our investigators Lourdes, Frank and their
daughter Erika. They're doing way well.
Tuesday- We went to visit the
districts in Elche, because our zone is comprised of two large cities, and we
hardly get to see the missionaries in Elche so we went and visited them to get
to know them. Later, we had exchanges with the Elders from Elche, elder
Smithson and elder Gomez. I went with elder Gomez in the exchange and it
was awesome. Elder Gomez is from Chile, so i got to be with another
Chileno! I love Chilenos! We had a great exchange, and were able to teach first Jesus (which isn't going well) and then later we visited Lourdes Frank and
Erika, and they are doing so awesome! They would be baptized but they are
working on getting legally married. Frank at the end of the lesson said
he was going to go to the court the next day to see what they need to do to get
married so they can be baptized.
Wednesday- we continued on the
exchange, and then finished and had a district meeting here in Alicante, our
district here in awesome too. That evening we had lots of meetings here
in the ward.
Thursday- we had weekly
planning, and then all of us elders here in alicante were invited to our
district leader Elder Craven's apartment for lunch and it was way fun. Then
that evening we really focused on trying to find some new people, and we met
some good people. Then we were once again able to meet with frank Lourdes
and Erika and focused a lot of trying to strengthen their family to be more
United through the gospel.
Friday- that morning we
contacted a lot and it was fun. Then we an investigator named Juliet from
Columbia, and she just isn't really not keeping her commitments, but we talked
about the importance of that, so we'll see what happens. Then we had
exchanges with the Elders from Elda, Elder Rojas and elder Gray, two
missionaries i have been with a lot in my mission. I was with elder Gray, and
the exchange we went well, we were able to talk with a lot of people. We had a
lot of stuff set up, but it all failed, but it's all good, we had some other
great things happen.
Saturday- That morning we
continued the exchange and were able to teach some Ecuadorian people we found,
but they didn't end up wanting anything. Then that evening, back with my
companion, we visited a less active with a member, and it went way well. Then
we visited our recent convert, Angel, who is such an awesome guy and he's doing
well. Then we visited a different less active named Joseph and that was
Sunday- church was awesome, we
had the less active we had visited yesterday come to church, all our recent
converts come, and frank Lourdes and Erika come. It was a great Sunday.
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Anyway, as always things are
going awesome. I'm so grateful to keep working as a missionary and having such
amazing experiences. The mission is the best!!!